About Us

Empowered women and girls can lift their entire families and communities out of poverty.

Amot Girls Foundation (AGF) is a dynamic international non-profit organization with a presence in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan/Jonglei State, established in 2022. AGF envisions a just and peaceful society where all women and girls enjoy their rights and live in dignity. The organization wholeheartedly tackles the formidable challenges and inequalities faced by girls in these regions, with a strategic focus on five pivotal areas; Health, Education, Sustainable Livelihood, Social Justice, and leadership.

The foundation is dedicated to promoting, protecting, and actualizing women’s and girl’s rights to quality and affordable education, health care, and livelihood opportunities for poverty eradication and empowerment. Since its establishment, AGF has worked to eliminate the gender norms and barriers that perpetuate inequality among inequality, discrimination, and marginalization of women and girls. We aim to see women and girls able to thrive, exploit their potential, have access to equal opportunities, and succeed in every sphere of life.

Our primary goal is to promote access to quality and affordable education, health care services, suitable livelihood opportunities, and better service delivery for women and girls in Eastern Africa. The organization is currently headquartered in (Eldoret) with expanded operations in Uganda and South Sudan.

The impact of AGF on the lives of women and girls in Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan/ Jonglei State has been profound. We have significantly narrowed the gender gap in school enrollment and retention rates, thanks to mentorship and training programs that have empowered women, fostering confidence, leadership skills, and the ability to make informed life decisions.

We aim to shape a future where every girl can reach her full potential and actively contribute to the overall development of society. Together, we can create a more equitable and prosperous world for all.

Our Vision

A just and a peaceful society where all women and girls enjoy their rights and live in dignity.

Our Mission

To promote, protect and actualize women’s and girls’ human rights and freedoms.


To promote access to quality and affordable education, healthcare, justice, sustainable livelihood, leadership opportunities of women and girls in Kenya, Uganda and South Sudan.

Anchor Philosophy

Our work is premised on the foundation that everyone deserves a dignified life, and that this is attainable. We thus dedicate resources and capabilities to protect, promote and actualize women’s and girls’ rights and freedoms as a basis of addressing prevailing systemic gendered inequalities, oppression, exploitation and discrimination.

As catalysts of the change we want to see, we support strategic and innovative initiatives, and collaborate with progressive thinkers – irrespective of gender, age, race, class, education or affiliations – to reach these ideals. Our work draws from universal human rights principles and protocols as well as local legislative and policy frameworks. We pursue social justice for women and girls as an approach to initiating sustainable and transformative change in the spaces we seek to influence.

Core Values and Principles

Integrity – AGF will conduct its work with openness and in good stewardship. As stewards, we are accountable for both the achievement of desired results and for the prudent stewardship of the human, physical and financial resources entrusted to us. We shall ensure that we apply resources for optimal benefits to our work. We will seek to be accountable and transparent in our work.

Focus on Community Participation– At AGF we believe in individuals and families within the community. We will be guided by the rights based approach to uphold participation of the community in every aspect of our interventions. We believe in transforming lives and promoting positive and lasting holistic change, particularly social, economic and political aspects within our communities.

Dignity– We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with dignity. To this end, our work is characterised by the respect of every person. We shall not subscribe to ideologies that seek to lead to poverty, exclusion and dependence. We believe in full and inclusive participation by all and that every person, woman or community has the right and the responsibility to contribute their talents, skills and resources to the work we do.

Partnership– We shall pursue active participation, engagement and collaboration with diverse, partners and the community to achieve our vision. AGF will create connection, community engagement and inclusivity for lasting impact. We will acknowledge our differences and bring our diversity to achieve our work in unity, collaboration and teamwork to achieve maximum impact with minimal resources.

Learning culture– We are committed to cultivating a culture of continuous learning. We seek to explore ways of continuous improvement through on-going learning, evaluation by others and ourselves. We value creativity and innovation, strengthening sound judgment and stimulating the good and useful actions and encouraging everyone in all aspects to become better in what they do.

Courage and boldness– We are committed to conclusively fulfil the aspirations of the community and the beneficiaries. We are committed to do what is right with courage and boldness.

Love and Passion– At AGF we shall model our actions to show compassion for the needy and vulnerable. All our activities and interventions will be characterized by love and passion for the people.

Professionalism – We value excellence. We do not subscribe to practices that don’t uphold quality, effective and efficient service delivery to our community. To this end, we shall exercise professionalism in conducting our business. We shall aspire for and value excellence in all we do and the services we provide and we commit ourselves to the principle of continuous improvement.

Our Foundation’s Efforts

The foundation has identified several areas of services and operations centers, including education for the needy, mental health, drug abuse, sexual gender-based violence, hygiene and sanitation, early pregnancy for young girls, and general training. Additionally, the foundation has mapped out rescue centers, rehabilitation centers, and institutions such as schools.

The Mapping of Operations Centers agenda was introduced to expand the foundation’s reach and impact. The foundation aims to establish operational centers in specific constituencies such as Ainabkoi and Turbo. This would help the foundation to better serve the community by providing access to education on nutrition, nursing, and midwifery services.

The foundation’s efforts are commendable as they are focused on addressing some of the most pressing issues affecting women in the region. By providing access to education and other essential services, the foundation is helping to empower women and girls in South Sudan/Jonglei State, Kenya, and Uganda. The mapping of centers is a crucial step towards expanding the foundation’s reach and impact in the region.

In conclusion, the Amot Girls Foundation’s community outreach efforts are commendable. The foundation’s focus on education for the needy, mental health, drug abuse, sexual gender-based violence, hygiene and sanitation, early pregnancy for young girls, general training, rescue centers, rehabilitation centers, and institutions such as schools is a testament to their commitment to empowering women and girls in South Sudan/Jonglei State, Kenya, and Uganda. The Mapping of Operations Centers agenda is a crucial step towards expanding the foundation’s reach and impact in specific constituencies such as Ainabkoi and Turbo.

Aims and Objectives

Main Objective

To promote access to education, good health care services, mitigation of HIV/AIDs and alleviate poverty among young women and children in the society.

Specific Objectives

And in furtherance of the principal object, the Organization shall have the following ancillary objects and powers:

  • Improving access to education to school going children by buying uniforms, learning materials and also payment of school fees.
  • Setting up of a health facility which will provide medical, social and psychological services.
  • To foster early detection of HIV infection among youth at ongoing risk for HIV or among persons with a recent HIV exposure; to enhance earlier referral to prevention, care, treatment and support for persons newly identified as being HIV positive.
  • To provide skill development training programs for women and young girls in the society on Agricultural farming, handicraft, handloom, weaving, pottery and beading and also provide them with short term loan after the training for creating sustainable income generating businesses.
  • To take such steps by personal or written appeals, private meetings, public meetings or representations to Parliament, government entities and other bodies as may be deemed expedient to promote any of the objects of the Organization.
  • To raise, secure and utilise funds for the attainment of any or all objects of the Organization, and to do such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects.

Join us in our mission of impacting Lives


Australia Registration Number

Registration: A06312  |  Certificate: A06312

Kenya Registration Number


| Central Office

Address: 62 Murrjinelle Circuit, Bonner ACT 2914, AUSTRALIA.


+614 1388 6536

| Regional Headquarter Office

Komora Estate (Apartments) Block C, Room: 09, Eldoret (K)


+254 113 476 336

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Empowered to Empower